Liverpool T-shirts

Thursday 27 September 2012

Take A Look In The Mirror

 Don't really need to say too much about this one, I've mentioned double standards in press reporting of Liverpool before and I see no real reason to change my mind based on this evidence.......

 The Terry article also mentions Suarez five times, in addition to defending Terry as a family man who loves his kids and a courageous player (all of which is probably true but has no bearing on what he has been found guilty of) and no mention of his well publicised indiscretions in his personal life (which also have no relevance to his FA charge but in the interests of a balanced article would logically be included). Anybody wishing to compare the story on Terry to the story on Suarez could do so easily by checking the Mirror's online article archive, except that immediately after publishing the Terry story last night they removed their Suarez article from their website......

 One more thing that nobody seems to have picked up on concerns the difference in level of fines the two players received, Suarez getting £40,000 and Terry £220,000. At the time Suarez was reported to be on approximately £30,000 a week and Terry on closer to £200,000 per week so in reality the fines are very comparable. If a player in League Two on £500 a week had been found guilty of exactly the same thing as Terry nobody would have expected a fine of £220,000. Surely the obvious conclusion is the fine is calculated by the players earnings, which is probably one of the few things the FA actually seem to get right.

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